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Our Shaman prepared this pack, it comes with instructions on how to administer the tea to generate the required results. These instructions are to be followed to the letter. Please do well to follow instructions.


AYAHUASCA TEA FOR SALE – BOTTLED is a mixture of two South American plants — the ayahuasca vine and the psychotria shrub (or substitute).

The tea is no ordinary cup of Earl Grey. It’s a potent PSYCHEDELIC  MIXTURE made from the bark of the Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and the leaves of the Chacruna plant (Psychotria viridis). When combined, these botanical wonders create a psychedelic powerhouse that opens the doors to altered states of consciousness. But don’t expect it to taste like a tropical fruit smoothie. Ayahuasca has a bitter, earthy taste that is not for the faint of heart.

Many people who visit ayahuasca retreat centers seek spiritual growth, self-development, and treatment for mental health conditions like depression, existential anxiety, or addiction. Patients who recently survived terminal diagnoses or experienced life-threatening events often seek out ayahuasca to answer tough questions around the fear of death.

Ayahuasca tea changes your perspective of the world, helps you identify flaws in your character, and breaks toxic habits.


Reasons people take Ayahuasca Tea:

  • Traditional ceremony or sacrament
  • Seeking spiritual experiences
  • Self-growth & development
  • Treating mental health disorders & addictions
  • Facing the fear of death or past traumas


Ayahuasca  Tea is a powerful entheogenic substance that produces intense, often terrifying hallucinations and experiences. The vulnerable mental state ayahuasca creates can lead to psychological trauma if you’re not careful. A focus on set and setting is especially important with this entheogen.

  • Treatment for addiction — including alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco
  • Treatment for existential anxiety & other anxiety disorders
  • May offer protective or restorative effects on brain health
  • Useful as a tool for self-growth and exploration of consciousness

Traditional and Spiritual Significance

 Ayahuasca is  a sacred sacrament that connects individuals with the spiritual realm. It serves as a tool for self-exploration, healing, and gaining insights into the nature of existence. Ayahuasca ceremonies are often led by experienced shamans who guide participants through the journey, ensuring a safe and meaningful experience. The tea is believed to purge negative energies, cleanse the mind, and bring about profound personal transformation. It’s like having a spa day for your soul!

 Side effects |  Buy Ayahuasca Tea Online

When you Buy Ayahuasca tea Online Virtually everybody who uses ayahuasca experiences bouts of vomiting during the session. This is not only an expected side effect; it’s also considered a key part of the experience itself.

The vomiting is referred to as “purging” as it’s thought to be a purging of negative thoughts and energy during the ceremony. During the session, the vomiting feels therapeutic, and few people consider this aspect a “side effect” after the ceremony is complete.

Vomiting usually begins around an hour or an hour and a half and continues for 1 – 2 hours on and off.

Other “side effects” revolve around the experience itself, which can be both terrifying and painful. Anxiety, panic, and fear are all common experiences. It’s important to learn how to “let go” and accept the path ayahuasca takes you to avoid staying in a negative space for very long. The more you resist the effects of ayahuasca, the stronger these side effects become.

The side effects of ayahuasca include:

  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Feelings of euphoria
  • Visual and auditory hallucinations
  • Fear and paranoia

Where to buy Ayahuasca Tea online

Ayahuasca remains a psychological medicine fringe, but it’s making its way into the mainstream slowly. Up until very recently, if you want to experiment with the herb, you had to fly to South America, but now ayahuasca ceremonies are popping up in the United States and Europe.

No need for flight tickets to experience ayahuasca when youi can order ayahuasca tea online from the comfort of your home.  Here at psychedelic galaxy we offer ayahuasca tea for sale which is already bottled, with discrete and reliable overnight  free shipping.


5Liters, 10Liters


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